Tax & Transfer Pricing

An important feature of accounting in Russia is parallel keeping of financial and tax accounting, which is caused by a lot of differences between them.
The second important feature of accounting in Russia is that the rules and principles of accounting and tax accounting change too fast.
That is why it is very important to find a good tax expert to ensure correctness of tax accounting, tax liabilities calculation and tax reporting. Otherwise, companies may face huge penalties and other issues.
Our highly qualified and experienced experts, who regularly upgrade their skills, may undertake full or partial tax accounting and tax reporting of your company in Russia.
We may also carry out a check of tax accounting kept by your employees to ensure its correctness and minimize tax risks for your business.
We may give tax advice on all arising questions, estimate tax risks for your business in Russia and give recommendations on tax risks minimization.
We provide the following tax services:
tax accounting
check of tax accounting
tax reporting
calculation of all types of tax liabilities
communication with tax authorities
tax consulting
tax optimization
transfer pricing
For more information and a tailor-made offer contact us.